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Finals Week?

As the seniors leave, we transition our focus from graduation and celebration, to finals. Normally, finals week is approximately a week after the seniors leave, this year finals week is almost two weeks after graduation. “It’s kind of annoying that [finals week] is a week later because everyone was preparing for finals to be [this past week],” stated Sophomore Grace Archer.

It's also been expressed that having finals a week later is exhausting - students just want school to be over with.

There is the rare group of students that don’t mind the setback, such as Sophomore Abi Moon. Moon stated, “I honestly don’t feel that terrible. I know that there is only a [couple days] left and I know we can make it.”

Though, students aren’t the only ones affected by finals week being later, teachers are too.

Some teachers have ran out of things for the students to do, especially mixed classes that contained seniors.

Some teachers, like math teacher Mr. Whitton, are simply done with school. In fact, his geometry class doesn’t have a final exam. Instead they will be taking a unit test as he “doesn’t want to grade two tests.”

Other teachers are administering projects.

Finals week being later also means that both teachers and students have a shorter summer. Teachers begin in service days the last week of August!

Though no matter how annoying it is to be in school an extra week, finals week is still important. The grade a student receives on a final exam can make or break an overall grade. So, find your last bit of motivation and use it, your GPA depends on it.

If you feel overwhelmed about finals, just take a deep breath. The Counseling Center is selling finals week survival kits if you really need one.

Even with finals week almost over, good luck!

Have a great summer Century students! Be safe and have fun. We will see you next year.

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