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A Review of Hallelujah Money

The Gorillaz are back! After six years of radio silence (literally), the Gorillaz surprise released a new song, Hallelujah Money, featuring vocalist, pianist, and poet Benjamin Clementine.

I will say, right now, that if you are expecting something along the lines of Clint Eastwood, Feel-Good Inc, or 19-2000, you will not be thrilled with this new song. However, the Gorillaz have an anticipated album to release later in 2017. Keep in mind- this song is not the first single from the upcoming album- so if this isn't quite your aesthetic hold tight.

After my first listening of Hallelujah Money, I was enchanted by the haunting vocals and the powerful message it holds. Dropped the night before President Trump’s Inauguration, it discusses the wish to emerge from the oppression that comes from bigotry and the 1%.

With lyrics like “Out in the field we shall reap a better day / What we have always dreamt of having” and “If this be the end, then so shall it be / Until we say so, nothing will move” symbolizes the disappointment and silence many people felt after the election. It symbolizes the suffering that will ensue until the end of Trump’s term.

Other than the charged message, this song has a lot to offer. The intensely enchanting vocals juxtaposed with the funky beat that often accompanies Gorillaz music, this song is different. It’s something new, something to break the monotony of both the Pop and Alternative scene. Don’t get me wrong- this song is not for those who listen to strictly pop, but I implore you to give it a chance anyway.

The flow of the melody paired with the spoken-word poetry is haunting in every possible way. This song will likely become a favorite among those who listen to music to fall asleep. However, this song is far from boring- it is calming and melodic in the most intense way possible.

Disclaimer: I don’t recommend listening to it full blast- at least the first time as it features a shriek from the one and only Spongebob Squarepants at the very end.

In conclusion- no matter what kind of music you listen to, head over to Youtube and give it a listen. It’s a song with a powerful message that many will relate to, and for those who don’t, the melody is enchanting and mesmerizing enough to appeal to anyone. Like it or hate it, either way the Gorillaz are back and more powerful than ever.

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